Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • DUT :

    • Justine Fouchet-Incaux 1ère année: Mathématiques S1, 28h, IUT d'Orsay, département Mesures Physiques, Université Paris-Sud,

    • Justine Fouchet-Incaux 2ème année: Mathématiques S4, 33h, IUT d'Orsay, département Mesures Physiques, Université Paris-Sud

  • Licence :

    • Chloé Audebert

      • "Calculus" (72h), L1 - undergraduate, Université Paris 6 UPMC, France (1rst semester 2014-2015).

      • Numerical ressources for Small Private Online Classes (SPOC), L1 - undergraduate, Université Paris 6 UPMC, France.

    • Laurent Boudin

      • Multivariable calculus and multiple integrals (114 h), L2, UPMC.

      • Shared studies supervision in mathematics licence for approximately 500 students (30h), L2-L3, UPMC.

    • Muriel Boulakia

      • Scilab (35h), L2, UPMC

      • Hilbertian analysis (45h), L3, Polytech'Paris,

    • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

      • Scientific computing, 30h, L3, École des Ponts ParisTech,

    • Céline Grandmont

      • Numerical Analysis, 36 h, L3, UPMC

      • EDO, 24 h, L3, UPMC

    • Damiano Lombardi

      • Linear Algebra TD, 32h, L1 Physique-Chimie, UP-SUD

    • Irène Vignon-Clementel

      • Mathematics for biology, 64h ETD, L1 - undergraduate, Univ. de Versailles Saint Quentin

  • Master :

    • Laurent Boudin

      • Basics for numerical methods (72h), M1, UPMC.

      • Studies supervision in mathematics master for 15 students (20h), M1, UPMC.

    • Muriel Boulakia

      • Preparatory course for teaching admission examination Agrégation (60h), M2, UPMC,

    • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

      • Numerical methods in hemodynamics (20h), M2, UPMC / Univ Paris-Sud / Ecole Polytechnique.

    • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

      • Numerical methods in bio-fluids, 6h, M2, University of Vigo, Spain.

    • Damiano Lombardi

      • Numerical Methods, 48h, Paris Polytech, M1 Robotique

  • Engineering schools:

    • Irène Vignon-Clementel. Numerical simulations of blood flow, 1h30, as part of the undergraduate "continuum mechanics" class at AgroParisTech, France


  • PhD: Grégory Arbia, Multi-scale Modeling of Single Ventricle Hearts for Clinical Decision Support, Univ Paris 6 UPMC, defended December 16, 2014. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & I. Vignon-Clementel, [13] .

  • PhD: Jimmy Mullaert, Fluid-structure interaction, Univ Paris 6 UPMC, defended on December 17 . Supervisors: M.A. Fernández Varela& Y. Maday, [14] .

  • PhD: Elisa Schenone, Inverse problems in electrocardiology, Univ Paris 6 UPMC, defended on November 28. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M. Boulakia, [15] .

  • PhD: Saverio Smaldone, Numerical methods for cardiac hemodynamics, Univ Paris 6 UPMC, defended on October 13, Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M.A. Fernández Varela, [16] .

  • PhD in progress: Chloé Audebert, Modeling of liver hemodynamics, since October 2013. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & I. Vignon-Clementel.

  • PhD in progress: Justine Fouchet-Incaux, Mathematical and numerical modeling of the human breathing, since October 2011. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & B. Maury.

  • PhD in progress: Mikel Landajuela, Coupling schemes and unfitted mesh methods for fluid-structure interaction, since October 2012, Supervisor: M.A. Fernández Varela.

  • PhD in progress: Matteo Aletti, Multiscale retinal vascular modeling , since January 2014 Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & Damiano Lombardi.

  • PhD in progress: Eliott Tixier, Stem cells electrophysiology, since September 2014 2014. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & Damiano Lombardi.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Pozin Multiscale lung ventilation modeling in health and disease, since March 2014. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & I. Vignon-Clementel.

  • PhD in progress: Stéphane Liwarek, Air flow in the nasal cavity, October 2010-September 2014. Supervisors: M.A. Fernández Varela & J-F. Gerbeau.

Juries and hiring committees

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Member of the PhD committees of Galina Vinogradova (SciencesPo, december 2014)

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Hiring committee: UPMC and Univ. Paris-Diderot

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • PhD committees: Guilhem Lepoultier, Univ. Orsay (referee), Liesbeth Taelman, Univ. Gand, Belgique (referee), Adela Puscas, Univ. Paris-Est (referee), Christophe Chnafa, Univ. Montpellier 2 (referee), Agnès Leroy, Univ. Paris-Est. (member)

    • Hiring committee: Univ Orsay, CR2 Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, CR1 Inria.

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Hiring committee: Lyon Univ. (Assitant Professor position).

    • Head habilitation (HDR) committee: B. Mauroy, Nice univ.

  • Marina Vidrascu

    • Member of the Hiring committee Perpignan (professor)

    • Member of the PhD committee of Claire Dupont and Jimmy Mullaert

  • Irène Vignon-Clementel

    • Member of the PhD committee of Xiaofei Wang, UPMC, Oct. 17th

    • PhD referee of Alessia Baretta, LaBS, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Oct 21rst.

    • Member of the PhD committee of Grégory Arbia, UPMC, Dec 16th.